Harry Potter Lists ︎◆ Sorting Hat

The Sorting Hat in Star Wars

Potterish travelled to a galaxy far to speculate about which Hogwarts Houses the protagonists of Star Wars – The Last Jedi would belong to.

To check out our hunches, access this post’s extension. But beware: this list contains spoilers.

Rey: Hufflepuff

The Sorting Hat in Star Wars

You think about Rey, and she shouts, “Gryffindor!” but be careful: the Sorting Hat sees beyond. Scavenger, the girl leads a lonely and extremely simple life, subjugated to the unrighteousness of Jakku’s merchants, until she comes across the droid BB8 in trouble. Besides saving their life, she decides not to sell him to buy food.

When she meets Finn, Rey puts her trust in the “Resistance man” and decides to only rest when BB8 and his valuable map are in the hands of the rebels. As they got deeper into the adventure, Rey showed to be even more loyal to her friends, seeing virtues in all of them, as the Last Jedi proves.

The Hat may have gotten doubtful, but it made it final that Rey belongs to the badger!

Poe: Gryffindor

The Sorting Hat in Star Wars

The house’s personification, Poe Dameron, is brave and dynamic but also impulsive and spitfire. Not much different from Harry Potter’s Golden Trio, the pilot doesn’t hesitate in disobeying orders when he wants to save his friend’s and Resistance companions’ lives.

Barely touched Poe’s head, and the Hat chanted “Gryffindor!”.

Finn: Hufflepuff

The Sorting Hat in Star Wars

Of all characters, Finn was the one that made the Sorting Hat more confused. He was a stormtrooper but decided that he didn’t want that life and ran away, betraying the New Order. Lied to Rey about belonging to the Resistance until he decided to run away again. This gives arguments to state that Finn belongs to a certain silver and greenhouse, or even that one with all the blue and bronze.

But what do we know: Finn returned, gave up his goal and safety, and went on a deadly mission just to save a friend he had just met. Finn is loyal and faces whoever and whatever for those he loves.

Besides, Finn would never listen to the Hat deciding between Slytherin and Ravenclaw without mentally shouting, “Slytherin no, Slytherin no”. After all, he wouldn’t like to have run away from the life of a Stormtrooper just to fall into the Hogwart’s house with the worst reputation. That’s why Hufflepuff is where he should be!

Kylo Ren: Slytherin

The Sorting Hat in Star Wars

We couldn’t avoid the cliché: the villain fell into Slytherin. Undoubtedly ambitious, Kylo murders people who trust him just to prove his power. His manipulation skills convince Rey to find him, making her believe he could leave the dark side of the force. However, when the trust is revealed, Kylo remains proud and calculating.

Although he is not as mysterious and villainous as he desired, his enormous wish for power makes him ignore morals to attain his goals – including killing his own father, a Lord Voldemort–like attitude.

Give him Slytherin!

Rose: Hufflepuff

Willing to die for her ideals, Rose carries in her a sweetness that hides the strength of a mechanist determined to save the galaxy. Loyal to her Resistance partners, she doesn’t hesitate to give up objects of great value to complete a mission, besides taking the initiative and stopping the deserters from running away – even though she had to leave Finn, the rebel hero, unconscious.

Does anyone have doubts that she would bring a huge pride to Hufflepuff

Luke: Slytherin

The Sorting Hat in Star Wars

In the saga’s most recent movie, the legendary Luke Skywalker shows himself a true Slytherin. The Jedi Master has enormous esteem for old traditions and religion, dedicating himself to the maintenance of the teachings he received in the times he was just a Padawan.

When sensing his nephew and apprentice Ben Solo was seduced by darkness, Skywalker threatens the boy’s life and suffers his actions’ consequences, isolating himself from all of the Universe in a move of extreme pride.

However, Luke uses his great skills with the Force to build a meticulous and sagacious plan, capable of easily tricking the ambitious Kylo Ren.

Welcome to the dungeons, Luke!

Leia: Ravenclaw

The Sorting Hat in Star Wars

Leia does not have the General of the Resistance post by chance. Her ability to strategically plan added to her diplomatic nature, and she praised her competence for the post. Brave and cunning, Leia Organa has charmed everyone since the saga’s original trilogy.

She is similar to Hermione by having strong characteristics from both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. But Leia was selected to take her place next to the other Ravenclaws as opposed to the witch.