Hogwarts Mystery

Game Hogwarts Mystery releases new social event

The game Hogwarts Mystery released a new event in February. In the most recent app update, students of the fourth grade or older can take part in the planning and preparation of the Celestial Ball, completing several tasks, such as helping in the decoration and choose an outfit for the occasion, besides inviting one of your friends to be your partner at the ball.

The player can also help other Hogwarts colleagues, such as Penny, Hufflepuff student character who expects to lead the Decoration Committee, but is disturbed by Merula and Ismelda, who try to sabotage the student. Meanwhile, introspect students like Rowan need Transfiguration tips to prepare themselves for the event.

Os jogadores também poderão ajudar outros colegas de Hogwarts, como Penny, personagem aluna da Lufa-Lufa que espera liderar o Comitê de Decoração, mas será atrapalhada por Merula e Ismelda, que tentarão sabotar a colega. Enquanto isso, estudantes introvertidos como o Rowan precisarão de dicas de transformação para se preparem para o evento.

Celestial Ball started on February 8 and there is not a defined date to end yet.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is available for iOS and Android.

Read more:
+ Marauders Map will be available in the game Hogwarts Mystery

Translated into English by Caroline Dorigon
Edited by Aline Michel